2000 factory sounds and 57 drum sets for all musical styles
Church organ:
Historical church organ built by the master organ builder Gottfried Silbermann (1683-1753).
Sound productions:
Sampling, wavetable synthesis, FM synthesis, analog synthesis
Theoretically unlimited, only limited by CPU power
Sound controls:
Six Easy-Sound-Controls per timbre -> Equalizer, Delay, Sample Start Point, Attack, Release, Vibrato, Filter and much more
Wersi OAX7 and VB3 organ software simulations of the highest quality, firmly integrated, controllable via real drawbars
Four send effects with reverb 1, reverb 2, ahorus and delay; further effects individually programmed in the sounds.
EASY mode:
Three sounds each on the upper and lower manual and one pedal timbre
PROFI mode:
Up to 16 sounds can be distributed among the manuals. Maximum of 12 voices each for the upper or lower manual.
Effect Sounds:
Six effect sound buttons to play effects like crash cymbal or vocal effects.